Thursday, September 29, 2011

Charles de Batz-Castelmore is a young outcast who was born in Gascony. He moved to Paris to pursue a career to become a musketeer. He became friends with Athos, Porthos and Aramis, musketeers of King Louis XIII. Soon Charles becomes the fourth musketeer, known as D'Artagnan ...

These four men will oppose the prime minister, Cardinal Richelieu and his agents, including the beautiful and mysterious Milady de Winter, to save the honor of the Queen of France Anne of Austria.

Check out the synopsis and trailer below...

Monday, September 26, 2011

The First Trailer For The Comedy "The Big Year"

Three men try to win a competition designed to locate the rarest birds in the United States, but their rivalry will reveal problems that everyone encounters in his life.

Hundreds of birdwatchers compete in a competition where the goal is to observe the greatest number of species for one year.

Check out the trailer below..


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